What are wood pellets?
Wood pellets are an ecological fuel source derived from the timber industry by-product, sawdust. Wood pellets are internationally recognised as a CO2 neutral renewable energy source.
Ebepellet wood pellets contain only 100% pure sawdust. Our pellets are produced in accordance with internationally recognised sustainable forest management practices. Ebepellet works closely with its partner sawmill Ebaki XXI, a PEFC chain of custody certificate holder, to ensure the preservation of our forests for future generations.
Ebepellet wood pellets contain no additives nor residues, which could generate harmful emissions when burnt.
The homogeneity of our pellet ensures that its performance is consistent and of a high standard throughout all stages, from transportation and storage to its ultimate combustion. Ebepellet wood pellets maximise the life and performance of your heating stove or boiler while at the same time reducing fuel and maintenance costs.
The characteristics of Ebepellet wood pellets make it an ideal alternative fuel source to gas or gasoil, in respect to both its minimal environmental impact as well as its cost.
Wood pellets can be used industrially or domestically for any application requiring heat generation, such as in drying industries or heating for community sport centres, hotels, homes and offices.